
Hospital IPPS and LTCH Final Rule Policy and Payment Changes for Fiscal Year 2017

CMS issued a final rule to update fiscal year 2017 Medicare payment policies and rates under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System. The final rule, which would apply to approximately 3,330 acute care hospitals and approximately 430 LTCHs, would affect discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2016.

Survey Says Fewer Than 2 in 10 Hospitals Regularly Use Patient-Reported Outcomes

72% of hospitals with limited or no Patient-Reported Outcomes Tracking say they will implement it within 1-3 years. CMS recently began using a new yardstick to calculate how much providers should be paid: a patient’s own view of their health. First incorporated into a new CMS program designed to lower the cost of knee and hip replacements, patient-reported outcomes, or PROs, may soon become far more widespread.

Fraud Takedown: Same Old Song, Expanding Dance

By Matt Fisher – It seems as though multiple times per year the Department of Justice, HHS, or some other enforcement agency announces the largest sweep or takedown of health care related fraud. A joint Department of Justice and HHS announcement on June 22, 2016 is the latest example.

New Directions for Medicare Physician Payment

By Jordan Kiszla & Rachel Nuzum – HHS issued a proposed rule to implement MACRA. Congress passed this bipartisan legislation last year to replace the sustainable growth rate formula (SGR)—which tied the growth of Medicare physician payments to growth in the economy—with an approach that rewards high-performing providers and supports alternative payment models.