Medicomp Systems

What Did They Say About HLTH 2022?

HLTH 2022 wrapped after 4 days in Las Vegas bringing back one of the largest in person events since COVID hit. Was everyone just glad to be back together or did the event live up to the buzz?

Caring for What’s Been Coded

By Dr. Jay Anders – In a Forbes Technology Council article earlier this year, my colleague Medicomp CEO Dave Lareau discussed how the industry was abuzz with talk about how providers and health plans can “optimize” risk-adjusted payments for Medicare Advantage, and the associated “upcoding” to qualify for higher risk scores.

The Future of Patient Identity and Public Policy

Now on Demand Tell Me Where IT Hurts episode with host Dr. Jay Anders and his guest Mari Savickis, Vice President of Public Policy for the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) to discuss patient identification, and why it remains a thorny issue.