MRO Corp

Heard at AHIMA 2019

By Angela Rose – Recently, at the AHIMA Health Data and Information Conference in Chicago, I had the pleasure of presenting with my colleague Sherine Koshy, MHA, RHIA, CCS, Corporate Director of HIM at Penn Medicine, about her experience outsourcing Penn Medicine’s ROI function.

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Health IT Marketing Minutes

What makes marketing in the health IT space unique? Who are the movers and shakers? What’s working, what’s trending? Where can you learn more? News from Amendola Communications, KNB Communications, ClarityQuest, Agency Ten22, Aria Marketing, InstaMed, & MRO Corp.

Talent Tuesday Now Hiring!

Companies are seeking talent for the fastest growing industries in tech and healthcare is on the top of the list. Who is looking for what? Here are posted opportunities being reported from MRO Corp, NextGate, ClearDATA, & himagine solutions.