The Cloud is Good, But Know Where Data Go

By Matt Fisher – A recent settlement announcement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”) highlights the need to evaluate web-based applications and storage solutions. Web-based or cloud solutions are viable options and tools for healthcare entities to utilize, but those tools need to evaluated for compliance with HIPAA security requirements.

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Don’t Forget the Paper: Records and Policies

By Matt Fisher – Another HIPAA breach settlement announcement and another lesson from the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”). Cornell Prescription Pharmacy (“Cornell”) is a single location pharmacy located in Colorado that will pay OCR $125,000 to resolve allegations of a variety of HIPAA violations. When the facts of the circumstances are described, it will likely raise questions as to why the settlement was so low.

Gearing Up for OCR HIPAA Audits in 2015

OCR is ramping up their HIPAA privacy and security audit program for covered entities (CEs) and business associates (BAs). Delayed until 2015, the second round of HIPAA audits is expected to be more pragmatic and comprehensive.