Pennie Sempell JD

Talent Tuesday: The Healthcare Workforce

With 18% of healthcare workers having left their jobs and another 12% being laid off, what are the solutions for healthcare as a whole? You can’t open a paper, magazine, or watch news and not hear about the crisis that has evolved. This is our Talent Tuesday Workforce edition.

Digital Transformation in 2022

There will be no stopping or slowing down to the innovation being driven by digital transformation. As tradition, we have rounded up the industry leaders that have thoughts and predictions for what we might see in the new year.

Healthcare and Medical Communities in 2021

Our final group of thought leaders bring us insights on 2021 as we will continue to struggle to control and eradicate COVID-19. The continued strain on healthcare communities, medical professionals, healthcare staffing, and resource allocation that the pandemic has brought about may not go away for most of next year.