Quote Roundup

What Are They Saying About ViVE 2023?

Energy, innovation, networking, food, drinks, graffiti art, local live music, industry leaders, puppies, foundations, give-aways, swag, pink socks, and more. In case you missed ViVE in Nashville this year.

Follow the Money: Healthcare in the Omnibus Bill

The $1.7 trillion spending bill for fiscal year 2023 was signed into law. Included were health care provisions. With billions going to healthcare, what are our industry leaders saying about how the money will be spent? We reach out to see what they had to say.

2023 Predictions Final Thoughts

Over the past few weeks we have heard from many of our industry experts on what they see happening in 2023. From AI to equity, from security to risk, from payers to investors, and from innovation to transformation, here are some final thoughts.