
Healthcare Under Attack

By Matt Fisher – Not a day can go by anymore without a report of at least one data breach (and likely more) or a cyber attack on a healthcare organization. The pace of attacks seemed to increase as the world shutdown in from COVID-19 and security concerns have only continued to increase.

Protecting Against The Threat of Ransomware

By Art Gross – Recently a memo went out from the White House and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency to industry leaders that emphasized the threat posed by ransomware within their businesses as well as emphasizing just how important it was to the current administration to prioritize the awareness.

Too Many Threats, Too Often

By Matt Fisher – It used to be that almost a day could not go by without the report of a phishing attack. Now seemingly a day cannot go by without a ransomware attack being reported. While phishing may be a route in, it is not the only way to get past an organization’s defenses.

Ransomware Attack Impacts 100+ Nursing Homes

By Art Gross – “Doctor, How Bad Is It?” “I’m not sure, I can’t access your medical records to tell you exactly what the prognosis is.” Recently, this is what Virtual Care Provider had to tell its clients; that the technology services that they were providing were on hacker hiatus.