Secure Exchange Solutions

HIE Rundown 8-14-15

This week’s rundown includes: NEHEN turns to Cognizant for technology innovation, US Coast Guard uses InterSystems as interoperability platform, & PointClickCare launches intergrated radiology results in EHR platform.

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HIE Rundown 6-3-15

This week’s Rundown includes Omnicell enhances its Unity enterprise platform, TIBCO Software has entered into a marketing agreement with Secure Exchange Solutions, & DataMotion continues strong momentum in healthcare.

HIE Rundown 4-15-2015

This week’s Rundown includes: MetroChicago HIE, Indiana HIE partnering with DataMotion, Mana Health Launches ManaCloud Platform, NMHIC Launches Platform to Expand Patient Data Sharing, and more.

HIE Rundown 11-10-14

Health Information Exchange (HIE) is happening every minute of every day. Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of…