CommonWell TV 2022: Health IT Execs on TEFCA

While there are regional and national interoperability hubs like CommonWell working at scale across the country, the ONC’s recent TEFCA aims at pushing the health IT industry to certify these hubs as highly scalable, highly secure utility grade systems and connect them via standardized exchange practices and patient search capabilities.

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What’s Happening at the ONC – 2-28-22

Supporting the adoption of health IT and the promotion of nationwide health information exchange to improve health care, here is what is happening at the ONC, including hosting public advisory forums for community and stakeholder input as TEFCA is implemented, new Information Sharing FAQs, a new USCDI v3 and Standards Bulletin released, & more!

Sharing Health Data February 2022

Moving our healthcare system into the digital age, better outcomes, controlling and reducing costs, and patient access to their health data. The ONC has released what they say are the game changers to the future of health data interoperability.

3…2…1…TEFCA is Go for Launch

By Micky Tripathi & Mariann Yeager – The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement is now available. Within the health information technology world, few things have been as elusive as a governance framework for nationwide health information exchange.