The Commonwealth Fund

Four Health Care Takeaways from 2017

By David Blumenthal MD – President Donald Trump’s first year in office was one of the most frenetic and confusing periods in U.S. health care history. Beneath the apparent chaos, however, continuity ruled. Here are four enduring aspects of health policy that held true in 2017.

Lessons on Universal Coverage from an Unexpected Advocate: Richard Nixon

By Shanoor Seervai & David Blumenthal MD – Debate continues about how best to reform the U.S. health care system, including over the roles that federal and state governments and private insurance markets should play in providing coverage. As policymakers explore options to expand on recent coverage gains under the ACA, they might benefit from familiarity with historical precedents.

What’s Next for CHIP?

By Sara Rosenbaum – The CHIP offers a critical health insurance pathway for children living in families with modest means. These families’ incomes exceed the basic Medicaid eligibility standard for children but they lack access to employer insurance for their children…