The Virtual Shift

Ring in the New Year – Reimagining Care

By Tom Foley – It’s often said, nothing happens in healthcare unless there is a billing code. To that end, CMS has been progressively enhancing the delivery of care model. Remote Patient Monitoring, coupled with Chronic Care Management, covering Telehealth at parity with an actual office visit.

12 Days to Christmas – So Far!

ICYMI – We started our annual 12 Days to Christmas countdown posts. Our look back on 2021. From now through December 25th we’ll be featuring all of our favorite things that made this year so meaningful to us and health IT.

Hosts Discuss their Expertise in Telehealth

Every once in a while we find our hosts interviewing other hosts. Recently we found Lisa Miller, host of The Healthcare Leadership Experience on The Virtual Shift. And likewise we found Tom Foley, host of The Virtual Shift on The Healthcare Leadership Experience.

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Royal Philips, Cardiologs, GNS Healthcare, Scipher Medicine, Perimeter Medical Imaging AI, egnite, Inc., Essen Health Care, MyndYou, One Drop, RSIP Vision, & more.

Telehealth and RPM at HIMSS21

Heading to HIMSS21 in Las Vegas in August? Looking to learn more on telehealth and remote patient monitoring? We rounded up some sessions and exhibitors that want to help. Stop by, they will be glad to see you.

Talking Healthcare Policy

If you haven’t tuned in to our radio station or checked out our podcast network, here is your chance. Start with these three shows and episodes that focus on policy. You will hear a clinical policy experiences, the need for a national strategy, and public policy trends. Take a listen.