Wei Chang

Lantern: Lighting the Way on FHIR Implementation

By Wes Barker & Wei Chang – The ONC Cures Act Final Rule (Cures Rule) supports patients’ and providers’ access to electronic health information through Health Level Seven (HL7®) Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) application programming interfaces (APIs).

Hospitals Collect and Receive Social Needs Data, but Usage Varies

From The Health IT Buzz blog – If left unaddressed, the social needs experienced by an individual may lead to poor health outcomes and more time spent in hospitals and interacting with the health care system. Hospitals, therefore, are uniquely situated to help address social needs and mitigate social risk factors by screening for…

Expanding the Use of HIE Data for Patient-Centered Outcomes Research

By Adam Wong & Wei Chang – ONC is excited to announce “Using Machine Learning Techniques to Enable Health Information Exchange to Support COVID-19-Focused PCOR,” a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund project implementing new technologies and standards to unlock the potential for health information exchanges (HIEs) to support research.