William Hersh MD

15 Years of 10×10 (Ten by Ten)

By William Hersh MD – I like to believe that I have made many contributions to the field of biomedical and health informatics over the years, but I suspect the one that will most define my legacy in the field is the conceptualization and implementation of the first and still flagship course of the AMIA 10×10 program.

Putting My Evidence Where My Mouth Is

By William Hersh MD – Although my career has mostly been focused on informatics, I have always considered evidence-based medicine to be a part of, or at least overlapping with, informatics.

Surviving the Pandemic: A Half-Year On

By William Hersh MD – In a few weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown will have been going on for a half-year for most people in the United States. I still remember its beginning in early March. Nothing in my entire life has impacted my personal and professional activities as much as this.

Updated Informatics.Health

By William Hersh MD – For many years, I have had a portion of my Web site billhersh.info devoted to an introductory overview of the informatics field entitled, What is Biomedical & Health Informatics? I originally created this site to provide an answer to that question I was asked from time to time.