Wolters Kluwer Health

Talent Tuesday: The Healthcare Workforce

With 18% of healthcare workers having left their jobs and another 12% being laid off, what are the solutions for healthcare as a whole? You can’t open a paper, magazine, or watch news and not hear about the crisis that has evolved. This is our Talent Tuesday Workforce edition.

Health IT Business News – January 20, 2022

Business news from CareCloud, Healthmark Industries, SonarMD, Virsys12, Vocera Communications, mPulse Mobile, Wolters Kluwer Health, Quris, Curebase, CareJourney, Caregility, Kyruus, Proximie, DexCare, Proscia, Verana Health, Vibrent Health, Turquoise Health, Truveta, Stryker, The Center for Breakthrough Medicines, Capital Health and more.

2022 Predictions – Final Thoughts

Will we still be discussing the pandemic impact at the end of 2022? Our industry experts and thought leaders have shared their predictions for 2022 with us over the last few weeks. Here are some final thoughts.

Privacy, Security, and Compliance in 2022

We have rounded up our experts to discuss what we might see in 2022 as we come off the worst year in healthcare cyber attacks and security breaches. There are no signs of decreasing but just the opposite. Will the healthcare industry be prepared?

Digital Transformation in 2022

There will be no stopping or slowing down to the innovation being driven by digital transformation. As tradition, we have rounded up the industry leaders that have thoughts and predictions for what we might see in the new year.