2018 HIMSS Conference & Exhibition
HIMSS18: Where the World Connects for Health
March 5–9, 2018
Las Vegas – Venetian – Palazzo – Sands Expo Center
The conference promises to brings together 45,000+ professionals from around the world for five days of education, innovation and collaboration to help uncover the promise of health information and technology. On the exhibitor floor you will find 1,300+ leading health information and technology vendors in areas of: Connected Health Experience * Cybersecurity Command Center * Federal Health * IT Solutions Pavilion * HIMSS Interoperability Showcaseâ„¢ * Innovation Live * Intelligent Healthâ„¢ Pavilion * Lightning Sessions * Solutions Lab * University Row
HIMSS18 mobile app—the best way to navigate HIMSS18!
Enhance and simplify your experience with the HIMSS18 by downloading the Mobile Apps available for apple and android.
The Official HIMSS Hashtag Guide – Personalize Your #HIMSS18 Social Media Experience
Similar to its vibrant membership community, HIMSS also nurtures over twenty year-round, topically-driven social media communities – all of which are represented in this hashtag guide. In conjunction with the #HIMSS18 hashtag, these supplemental hashtags will be featured in relevant sessions, networking events, and exhibits to help the socially-savvy attendee segment and explore the conversations that matter to them most from their favorite social media monitoring apps. The result? A more personalized and relevant social media experience – at HIMSS18 and beyond.
A more personalized and relevant social media experience – at #HIMSS18 and beyond https://t.co/X4Ix1ubeL1
— HIMSS (@HIMSS) February 15, 2018
HIMSS18 Survivor Kit Part 1 – Best foot forward: Comfortable shoes get the seal of approval
DXC Technology (@DXCTechnology) asked #HIMSS18 ambassadors for their #1 tip for first-time attendees at HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition. They received a small tweet storm of awesome tips and engagement which DXC will present in a series of blog posts in the run up to HIMSS18.
First Time Attendees
In order to get the most out of your first HIMSS Annual Conference & Exhibition it is important that you prepare and plan as much as you can prior to opening day. HIMSS provides some tried and true tips to help you arrive ready to go with bells on – and to assist you on-site – so that you can maximize your time at HIMSS18.
Building Your HIMSS18 Media Plan: Eleven Tips for Success
Managing media relations at the HIMSS annual conference has changed dramatically over the years. Get the scoop from PR expert, Angela Jenkins at Ten 22 Agency. Read the article.
Exhibiting and Speaking at HIMSS – How to do it “Right”
Last month on Healthcare NOW Radio, host Carol Flagg interviewed Jodi Amendola (@jamendola) from Amendola Communications (@AmendolaComm) on her show What’s My Tagline. Jodi and Carol discussed what companies exhibiting and/or speaking at HIMSS “do right.”
Get this Party Started
For the past three years Colin Hung (@Colin_Hung) has asked a handful of industry experts and social media friends to choose a song that best represents healthcare and HealthIT in order to prepare and get excited for the upcoming HIMSS Conference. Colin then publishes the resulting playlist along with the participants reasons for their selections and the #HIMSS Mix Tape is born.
It’s here! Just dropped the #HIMSS18 Mix Tape! Songs chosen by @HIMSS Social Media Ambassadors and #hcldr #HITsm #HITMC #pinksocks #TheWalkingGallery friends. Enjoy! https://t.co/5HmmVmbbHa pic.twitter.com/2JiYl7YY7i
— Colin Hung (@Colin_Hung) February 15, 2018