It’s not too late to register for the upcoming Inaugural Digital Medical Office of the Future: Driving Toward Meaningful Use Conference in Las Vegas, September 9 and 10. Presented by TCBI, this educational conference features a three track format highlighting EHRs, HIEs, and Clinical Platforms and Applications.
Meet and hear one of our experts, Healthcare IT Futurist, Mark Anderson. The ONC will weigh in with the Coordinator of NHIN Direct, Arien Malec. If you are impacted at all by the HITECH Act, this conference is for you. Physicians, health care management, IT professionals, to HIT consultants will be in attendance.
For conference and registration information check out their web site.
We’ll be in attendance and hope to see you there. If you’re not attending, look for our conference Tweets. We’ll do our best to keep you up to speed on conference happenings in 140 characters or less. You can follow us at: