Selects Co-Chairs New 2013 WEDI Report Workgroups
The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) is a non-profit organization established in 1991 by Health and Human Services (HHS). WEDI’s mission is to improve the use of health information technology and reduce healthcare system costs. In 1993, WEDI released an original report that provided the healthcare industry with a road map for transitioning to electronic data interchange standards.
On the 20th anniversary of this original report, WEDI has created a 2013 report to serve as a guide on the future of health information exchange. The 2013 WEDI Report is overseen by an Executive Steering Committee that includes members from the healthcare and corporate worlds as well as government agencies, including the ONC and CMS. Appointments for the various co-chairs to the 2013 WEDI Report Initiative were announced last week. The 13 co-chairs will serve as leaders of four developed WEDI Report workgroups on Patient Enablement, Payment Models, Data Harmonization & Exchange, and Innovative Encounter Models.
Now WEDI is seeking participants to join these workgroups from across the industry. Interested candidates can read about each workgroup on the WEDI website. To become a 2013 WEDI Report workgroup participant e-mail Sam Holvey at or call 202.618.8803.
ICD-10 State Collaborative Initiative
In other WEDI news, the organization announced today the launch of a new ICD-10 State Collaborative Initiative. The goal of this initiative is to “bring together state collaborative organizations and their members in order to increase efficiencies and reduce the significant time and costs associated with ICD-10 compliance.” The initiative hopes to facilitate inter-state communication around ICD-10 implementation, giving states a chance to share best practices and collaborate on testing. A new sub-workgroup for this initiative will be formed on June 1, 2013 with the first ICD-10 state collaborative meeting scheduled for July 22, 2013.
You can learn more about this new initiative here.