What’s in Store for Health IT in 2015

crystalball-2015It has been a rapidly changing landscape for health information technology these past few years. A lot of factors have contributed to this. Leading the policy has been the federal government instituting incentive programs to encourage health IT adoption. Private sector money has been available for new ventures. And the accumulation of big data has sparked innovation helping in better quality and reducing the cost of healthcare. Some say we have only just begun. So what’s in store for 2015? Here’s some thoughts and predictions from those we think might know something about what’s ahead.

Alan Portela CEO of Airstrip has more than 25 years of experience in bringing groundbreaking medical technology solutions to market. He thinks we are currently experiencing the biggest transformation in healthcare ever. And he is predicting technology will be a big player in that transformation. Read his post Transformation in 2015: Focusing Technology on the Patient on Mobile Health Matters.

Amazing Charts, a developer of EHR systems for physician practices, weighs in on their predictions for medicine and technology in 2015. They are putting their bets on EHRs getting personal but not as interoperable as we would like.

Each year the ECRI Institute publishes an annual list of Top 10 Health Technology Hazards to help hospitals reduce technology-related risks. This year, topping the list is inadequate alarm configuration policies and practices. Check out their list.

Becker’s Hospital Review isn’t predicting but reporting. They have compiled a good list by State of the new laws and regulations taking effect this year. Along with some federal legislative changes fifteen States have enacted laws that will effect an individual’s healthcare. Missouri and Montana are requiring private insurance plans to cover telemedicine services. See if your State is on the list.

The NJ Biz wanted to know what’s in store for healthcare in 2015 so they asked a cross section of experts from their State including hospitals, physician groups, payers, think tanks, the law, business advocacy and academia. And to name a few things they are talking about – ACA, consolidations, technology advances, Medicare penalties, US Supreme Court getting involved again, and can a cure for cancer be in our new year?

Our recent guest contributor, Mark Weber, Chief Business Information Officer at Infor shared his thoughts in Change is Coming: What to Expect in Health IT in 2015. He says that in 2015, “healthcare information technology will continue to drive towards solutions that respond to the industry challenges of providing increased quality of care at a lower cost in a changing regulatory environment”.