What’s in a name? What is your brand? Does anyone really need to tell you what companies these are? The Regional Extension Centers have been around for a while now. I frequent all of their web sites to keep up with what they are doing and how they are communicating. Our REC page has hundreds of links related to all of the centers. Who has a facebook page, who connects on LinkedIn, who publishes a newsletter? Only 21 of the RECs have Twitter accounts. You can follow them along with the HIOs and ATCBs that tweet on our public Twitter list. But how are their brands coming along? Do you recognize any of their logos? I do, but then again I just admitted to frequenting all the sites. I also have my favorites. How about you?
Here are all the logos that have been created for the actual REC. Help us select our top 5 list. Tweet your favorite 3 to our hashtag #REClogos. Use the Row # and letter (A-E) to identify your votes. Don’t twitter? Â Email us at info@hitechanswers.com to vote. We will let you know the top 5 in the new year.